Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


We have come now to a great law that applies to the entire human race. Into these confusions that your religions are trying so skillfully to create, pretending that the one is better than the other, for example the one accusing the other that no karma exists. When the Roman soldiers attempted to arrest Jesus Christ, then his student Peter used his knife and cut off the ear of a Roman soldier who went to catch the master Jesus Christ. Then Jesus Christ said the phrase to Peter the Apostle “Peter, Peter, LIVE BY THE SWORD, DIE BY THE SWORD” and then using His unconceivable for human powers, placed the ear back to the head of the Roman soldier. And of course, Peter at this incarnation died by decapitation, a fact not at all irrelevant with the phrase of Jesus: “Live by the sword, die by the sword”. You tortured and miserable humans of this evolution…We have told you before and we will tell you again that the Blacksoul one and his authorities have played an unconceivable game on your backs. You witness handicapped people, people born with a disorder (or serious disorders) (quadriplegic ones), you witness sicknesses and deaths of young children, families or societies that are being wiped out. You witness disasters over disasters and of course we are not talking about the clones or the mutants but about you who possess soul and a divine spark inside of you, and then you feel sorry but you keep on performing all the activities that you are involved into. 207 You are aware that the universe is hyperperfect, hyperharmonic and hyperwise and overwhelmed with universal love. You also know from this unsealing that all the material forms, with no exemption at all, yourselves naturally included (the human race), do exist only for evolution and nothing else. Nothing – in a visible form – exists just to exist (meaning that it is not following the laws of evolution – while evolution means the return to the father – Creator – hyper mind – God). Everything was initiated form the father (hypermind), entered the word of matter – form, to reach that level of evolution that their “existence” (spiritsoul) is now joining and that is the beings with intelligence, at this exact cross, at this focal point, so that the beings with intelligence understand – no matter in which solar or planetary system they are evolving in – who they really are, why they are possessing a body that varies from planetary system to planetary system and exactly there, through the understanding of the creation, to vibrate in the same way, to function exactly as the universe is functioning and to continue their evolution towards higher levels of evolution. However, when on your own planet you have been trained full of ignorance about all these and what is more you have been trained with absolute egoism – that each one of you is something special – but in the same time each of you has his own endless desires, words, thoughts and acts, this means that you have been trapped in a world of your own and in the same time you have been isolated from the uniform universe. So, although you should be functioning as all the forms in the universe, which is like a unity, you on the contrary have been separated from the uniform universe and each one of you has created his own world. This instantly means that the way you are dealing with these issues is leading you (you in person) to endless disharmonies with the universe. Watch out. These disharmonies we are referring to are only personal ones. Once the law of the karma arrives so that the harmony is imposed to this disharmony that you and only you have activated, this law is ruthless and fair. The “live by the sword, die by the sword” is equally ruthless and the most tragic of all is that it is a personal affair. It is you who have brought disharmony on the perfection of the universe so it shall be you who will inevitably and indispensably and without any other interpretation establish the balance back to the universe to maintain its harmony; the reason is that you personally tried through the thoughts, the words and the acts to bring disharmony and to create a separate world, different from the uniform and indivisible universe. You can realize now that in the law of karma or else “live by the sword, die by the sword”, your entire misery is found, through the skillful training of the Blacksoul one. Each bad turn of events, like illness during birth, illnesses after birth, orphans, disabilities during the course of your life, naissance of your own children having health problems during birth or later on, deaths of your own children until they turn to be 28 years old, all these are proofs that the law of karma – or else law of the retributive justice – or else as the great master Jesus Christ said “live by the sword, die by the sword” has been activated. What is more, wherever there are sexual particularities, use of drugs or any kind of dependence on gambling or alcohol as well as any kind of disharmony (that have brought pain to you), the scope is only one. For you to get taught. The most important is not that you are taught over something that some others have done. The most serious is that the law of karma or else universal justice is a totally personal lesson of you. It is you and you alone who attempted to bring the disharmony in the universe and thus the universe has come to teach you alone, through the karma and the retributive justice. We have extensively referred to the reincarnation in the previous chapter. The Blacksoul one has skillfully used his set up authorities, and in this case the political and religious ones, to remove the knowledge of reincarnation from you, to blind you from the truth: that your current body is a continuation of the previous one, the one you possessed during your penultimate incarnation. And that your life now is a result of previous choices of thoughts, words, actions. And that nothing is left to chance. And of course, your current incarnation shall be the continuation for the next one. Thus, in case that all these gravediggers had not intentionally concealed all these from you, then instantly all of you but also each one of you separately, would have been extremely attentive and cautious. And what is more naturally full of extremely much knowledge. 209 We would like to go on with some explanations over the abovementioned things: 1) There comes a sick child in a family. Of course who could explain to you the reason why this has happened? The gravediggers of your religions give you no explanation at all. Or in case they try to explain, they only say bullshits, since their boss, the Blacksoul one, has forbidden them to speak about reincarnation. In fact, if this sick child passes away at a very early age, these bullshitters may tell you that God have loved it so this is why he took the child along with him. That is, endless crap. On the one hand you have been born in a sick body, since it seems that God was busy at that time...! And once he saw that sick body, he started to love it and when this love reached its peak, God decided to take the child along close to him. What’s to comment… The ignorance and the stupidity have no limits. If you believe that this is the way to train souls than we suggest you to take your distance from humans because this would be the most important service to the humanity from your side. As far as the science of medicine is concerned, it has been lost in nowhere, struggling to explain the illnesses to humans; the same applies with the children that are born with a disease or a disability and in this case the medicine is looking for the answers in the genes and the analysis of the DNA. And the answers are supposedly provided through this search in the genes and the DNA. Naturally, as some persons have undertaken the training over the original sin, Adam and Eve, the nonexistence of the reincarnation and of the karma (law of retributive justice), in the same way that the persons of the religions have been trained, the persons of the medicine sciences have been trained respectively. So, each one into his own “branch” has also created his own merchandise. Who could tell you that each one of you is a small god, a Creator – God?

 And that to each one of you being a small Creator – God it is forbidden to bring disharmony in the universe and in case you attempt to do so the price for doing this will be proportional to the extent to which you shall make this attempt… Because since the disharmonies started out of your head, you fool, it is back in your head where they will end up. It is you who made them real through your thoughts, it is you who created them and gave them a shape, a form. So why end up in another head than yours? You ignorant egoist, flooded with desires for tangible goods, you who keeps on asking and asking continuously and with no inhibition at all. You judge, you blame, you commit adultery, and you change your sexual preferences because you decided so, you ask for more money for yourself, so as long as you are safe and sound, the whole world is turning around you. All those egos that you have activated, where will they return? Is it to others? Of course not, they will return to you and what is more with interest; the interest will be applied so that you learn your lesson very well. So, in the case of the children that are sick or that pass away before the age of 28 years old, we are talking about a very important karma of the souls that it is obliged to get taught of, but in this specific case this karma is between the mother, the father and the child, each one of them paying the price on its own proportion. Nobody pays back for nobody. The first biggest lesson is for you alone. First of all you have to learn these very well and then to start becoming a bright example for the others through the attitude for life that you shall adopt. As far as the parents of the sick child are concerned, and since they have their own karma (law of retributive justice), they are given a bright opportunity through the raising up of a sick child with love to pay back their ‘debt’ and to restore the harmony to the disharmony that they themselves had caused. If they do so, good for them. But if they abandon their sick child to some institution and they refuse their responsibilities, then instantly they are creating new burdens and new karma. 211 It is like the universe has come to offer to them a chance to learn their lesson and the parents themselves, by disclaiming their responsibilities, are actually missing a golden opportunity to bring personal harmony to their personal disharmony that they had caused since their last or penultimate incarnation. Since what you are reading about is the truth and nothing but the truth, in the cases of some parents whose children are born with some kind of serious or quite serious disease, the former should consider now very well about how to handle similar situations. And of course when we have the case of a child that has a birth defect, this means that a spiritsoul throughout its huge path for the evolution is obliged at this certain moment to enter a sick body and this is a 100% personal disharmony that was carried from the penultimate incarnation and this awkward status is due – by a 100% to the trapped inferior mind that this spiritsoul possessed during that penultimate incarnation it experienced. We could not make it simpler for you. You are the only one who is responsible for everything. We may have uncovered what concerned the Blacksoul one, the authorities, we talked to you about the unconceivable power of the superior mind, but right now we are more than clearly informing you that the karma is a personal affair and that it results from your inferior mind. Any kind of hardships of troubles that come your way, are due to the fact that your inferior mind has activated the law of the retributive justice. The greatest master Jesus Christ has been teaching since his 30 years old and this is not a coincidence. Why so? One of the reasons is the fact that until the age of 28 years old, the karma of the penultimate incarnation is following both the natural parents and the child. Indeed, if there is a noticeable case of a child that is bedridden since its birth, this means that the karma between the parents and the child comes a 100% from its penultimate incarnation.

 In other cases where the child is not bedridden or born with a birth defect, but then some other forms of punishment may arise until its 28th year of age, like sexual distortions, drugs, alcohol, gambling, delinquent behaviour, deaths, etc., then the karma has been activated not only since the penultimate incarnation of the parents or the child but also from the current incarnation of the parents who live in disharmony against the universe (they are jealous, they envy, they judge or blame the others on a constant basis, they are thieves and in general they have become very hard hearted). Thus the karma has been activated due to these behaviours of the parents due to the incarnation they are already experiencing. You steal the efforts of other humans, while you raise your children and you think that the universe does not witness you. It is not possible that you are a manipulator, a murdered, a fanatic or to invoke the individual freedom and to be part of a homosexual couple raising kids and to consider that the universe is not watching you. As a matter of fact, we would like to inform you that there are many women to whom the childbearing is forbidden. This automatically means that during their penultimate incarnation they had functioned and had considered the childbearing as something unnecessary and petty. This means that they have showed disrespect towards the universe and so the law of karma is not allowing them to bear children. In this case, the science takes the baton but the science is dealing only with the flesh, because it doesn’t know yet what the soul is (the psychiatrists’ only advice is the use of narcotic substances). But then again, the geneticists take over so that women are able to give birth and become mothers. In such cases, the souls that these women receive as children are characterised by very heavy karmic responsibilities. Most of them are what you say on your planet “souls weighed down by demons”. Naturally this happens because you are totally ignorant of the universe. Nobody has ever been interested to find out how the universe functions, while the 213 Backsoul one has taken care that even the teaching of the great teachers who have come down to teach you are totally alienated. Here come the political leaders with an extremely grandiloquent attitude and decide that in order for the supposedly crisis to pass over you must suffer from hunger. Some others are cursing in a sluttish behaviour everything that has to do with God, while a little while before they die they are praying for some more hours of natural life. Some others who are chain smokers or carnivorous like the carnivore animals, have joined the society in such positions being responsible to teach to humans the virtues. Some others are agents ‘of sorts’. They go and collect information and then just like Judas they go to their bosses to collect their reward to snitch what they have learned about. Then, the Blacksoul one with their participation either drives the populations to wars, or his informers the moles burn down the forests with set up fires, or they blow up airplanes or public transport means (stations, buses, trains) and of course they believe that they are doing their task, while practically this entire unconceivable karma is owed on them. Some others are drug dealers or big drug dealers. This means that with his own intervention some souls will either die because of him or will lose their way to life once more because of him. Some others, being great scientists get into the labs and manufacture weapons of massive destruction of the humanity or just weapons that can kill people. Some others decide that they would like to change the sex that the creation has provided them with. And of course they do make this change but they won’t remain to that, as they act like performing something exemplary and they become the leaders to guide others also to follow their example. Others are killing people because they have believed in those who trained them that this is an ultimate service to the Creator – God so that all the faithless disappear from the face of the earth. Others use violence against the weak creatures either women, children ore elderly. 

Some others have been led to the paedophilia through the distortions of their inferior mind. So they have reached a point of raping babies or young children. Others have the hobby of killing animals just to satisfy their egos. Some others gaining strength from the power provided to them by the authorities have in their hands judgements which they modify according to who is on trial and this is the reason that those being on their side are innocent and never convicted. These are all and even more similar examples and each one of you knows the truth, what is fair and how he should react each time and definitely by following those two rules: 1) never remove a life that you cannot bring back and 2) Never do something that you wouldn’t like someone else to do to you. All those things that we are writing to you concerning the karma are intending neither to judge you nor to blame or criticize you. The only scope is solely for you to get informed and to act accordingly. Once you understand how the universe is seeing what you are just thinking of, without even talking about it or making it in practice, you will analyze it with extremely great attention. Is what I have thought about compatible with the universal justice? With the universal causality? This and only this is enough for you to get over too many sufferings. Any thought, speech or act that you make outside the universal causality will return back to your own head and yours alone. Another example that has to do with the karma is the case where a child, during its lifetime, has cancelled his /her parents because he/she wanted to do so. He/she didn’t want to see them, listen to them, and refer to them. Either both or just one of them. 215 E.g. he/she doesn’t want to have anything to do with his/her father, or his/her mother. And thus this incarnation is terminated by this status. Do you actually think that there is any case, even one in a million, that the universe will offer to this spiritsoul at its next incarnation a natural parent as was the case during the penultimate incarnation? We mean by that if a child is orphan of a father or a mother or both is because the same spiritsoul during its penultimate incarnation had cancelled one of its parents or possibly both of them. However, if you don’t get taught over these so that your mind becomes softer, it happens that many times the way that an orphan kid is dealing with this situation causes new burdens. In fact, sometimes these kids once ending up to grow up in institutions, they may be led to much more extreme situations. On the contrary in case that these kids are adopted by brilliant step parents, it means that this spiritsoul has made fewer mistakes. As far as the issue of the adoption is concerned, since as you understand the souls that are incarnated on your planet are souls that need to take some lessons, some parents do adopt a child but then they are disappointed by its soul once grown up because it didn’t meet their expectations. Here exactly is where another answer for the reincarnation exists and this has to do with each soul possessing its own registry including all its experiences – knowledge until its penultimate incarnation. So, in the case that we have an adoption but in the registry of this spiritsoul there exist memories of violent acts or sexual anomalies or gambling, drugs or any other kind of similar staff, then the step parents are disappointed because it is not exactly what they were expecting of the adoption and the raising of the child and now they are facing a different reality. This of course is happening because the ignorance of the humanity exists in all levels and each one of you is functioning totally isolated by the hyperperfect and indivisible universe. You haven’t been taught that in the frame of a hyperperfect universe, not everybody can have a different starting point and a different ending. All the forms in the matter have common starting points and endings. 

 In the new era that shall soon rise on your planet, all the souls that will be incarnated and to whom it will also be now allowed to evolve, will have a brilliant knowledge of all these issues. Furthermore, since the role of a mother is the most fundamental and sacred parameter for a child and the mother is the first and the greatest teacher for a child, in case that the memories of a child as far as the behavior of his mother are not harmonic, then this spiritsoul motivated by this fact and using the behavior of the mother as an excuse, can be possibly led to extreme acts of any kind. And in fact, with no limits; varying from sexual vices to murders. So, automatically this kid, that specific spiritsoul, while having come down only with a karma of a mother who hasn’t honored her role as a mother – but then again this kid, this spiritsoul had to have this specific mother bearing this let’s say not that tragic karma – can be quite easily led through the world gravediggers’ system to a much heavier karma. Of whatever takes place in your life, the feeling that you have, what you actually perceive each time is just the result. The cause of the respective result has taken place way before. To make it simpler to you, it is like the case of a farmer who has sowed. The seed is inside the land and nobody can tell, but the farmer is the only one who knows. The field is covered with land so one can see nothing but soil. The cause, which is the seed, in this case, exists although the farmer [that is each one of you] is the only one who knows. If you pass by this field after some time period then you can notice the results of the sowing which until recently could only be noticed by the farmer (you). Let’s say you see tomatoes; the tomatoes are the result. The sowing and the seed are the cause. There is a time distance between these two. This exactly is the karma that the entire humanity is following; this is the karma that follows each one of you. Whatever ugly thing has happened is only the result, but you are the responsible ones for the cause of this specific result, you are the ones who created this cause earlier in the past. 217 Thus, both the result and the cause are your responsibility. So, another key for your individual evolution, your own knowledge and your own benefit, is to obtain the entire knowledge and most specifically of the part that is called karma (law of retributive justice), never to make any thought, never to say any words, never to act this way that you force the universe to bring to you and only you alone disharmony, because it is you who through the thoughts, the words, the acts has caused any kind of disharmony. You can invoke two thousand reasons for functioning this way. Even in the cases that you seem to be right, we must inform you that it may seem that you are currently right, but it is you who had been unfair in a similar issue in the past. And then the universe came to offer to you an opportunity to pay back your debt. However since you are ignorant and egoist you don’t have the ability to feel it or understand this and instead you wish to proceed with the “an eye for an eye”, what the gravediggers used to claim [and unfortunately even until nowadays this is the training that the entire humanity is receiving]. So although you only have one thing to pay back for, it instantly takes you 2,4,8, countless karmas to pay back… This is why the highest master of yours, Jesus Christ, was teaching you: once you get a slap in the face, then turn the other cheek as well. What he was clearly meaning by that was that you shall never give a slap in return, unless of course you have the possibility to escape from such a situation you definitely must do so, but in case that this is not possible, you would better offer your other cheek as well than to slap in return. The reason he has taught you this is more than obvious. The smack you have experienced is a karmic result of a personal karmic cause of your own. If you pay it back, then this debt will keep on existing, while if you don’t this debt will clearly move on to the other ignorant. The smack, the slap in the face may have various forms. The way humans and each one of you are suffering on this planet varies and of course there are many different kinds of it. This exactly is the point of this huge doctrine of Jesus Christ.

Don’t reciprocate (pay back) absolutely any bad thing that is happening to you. Everything has a cause and the cause is you, because what you perceive is only the result. Bless the result and take the responsibilities of its causes. Once you begin to function accordingly, you will have instantly conceived a huge tutorial chapter, that you are the sole to blame for anything good or bad that is taking place in your life. The understanding of this huge truth offers to the mind an unconceivable ability to climb higher and to become a superior mind. And the superior mind is doing its best to help your spiritsoul keep on with its trip, its evolution to higher fields. The total of the karmic responsibilities of each spiritsoul individually consist the only reason for which you have to continuously incarnate; it is literally your karmic responsibility, the only reason that hold you at this school called human evolution. Unless each one of you separately graduates from this school, there will be not a chance that he/she ever sets himself/herself free. You will be constantly involved in a game of births and deaths and separation from the beloved ones. A few spiritsouls had been set free on your planet until nowadays, but now after the era of the Aquarius in 1962 and the present unsealing, the biggest opportunity ever is actually presented on the planet. The humanity is ready, due to the upgrading of your solar system, to become united with an endless light. This is in fact the reason why on this planet 7 billion souls are currently incarnated. We are briefly mentioning to you that this is going to take place and it has initiated on your planet and in fact it has never happened before in the past. A very crucial fact that you should be aware of is that now the karma apart from being individual is also family and national one. For example once you witness a car accident where a whole family is being wiped you, then that karma is a family karma. 219 When referring to the national karma, we are actually talking about the states that from time to time were the representatives of the Blacksoul one, holding the role of the bogyman – policeman of the planet. Some among you may know that entire continents have been sunk, as Lemuria and Atlantis. It is more than obvious, that these policemen of the planet have led the humanity to an unbelievable mess and devastation. The fullness of time has come the karma has been activated – and their worthless domination has disappeared through an unconceivable cataclysm. Unfortunately, even nowadays the humanity is suffering from “policemen” and you do know now who they are representing and the entire governance they are performing on the planet is just to be able to control the humanity and for no other reason at all. The fairest law of the universe has been activated to nations that have now created a national karma, so you can easily think about what is next. You have now access to the knowledge, but all you have to do is understand it and implement it.