What’s to write about you...you have unfortunately played a really ugly game
at the expense of the humanity. Having been differentiated from the mob, you
know very well that the mob is the continuation of the animal kingdom as far
as evolution is concerned and thus having left from the mob you have obtained
a personality and you know very well that the personality means “ego”.
Using this ego of yours, plus your vanity and your ambition, you have entered
the masonic wormholes of the Blacksoul one, who is using this means to con-
trol the humanity until nowadays. While you, from your side and for as long as
you remain on the political benches and according to the set up politics you
follow, all you do is serve the Blacksoul one and entrap the humanity.
You have already been informed that there is no person on the planet dealing
with politics (we are referring of course to the central political arena) who
hasn’t passed by a “wormhole”, who hasn’t worshiped the Blacskoul one and
who isn’t a designated official of his, not being able to escape his wheels in
any possible way.
You know that whoever from the political arena got raised against the global
status, ended up with their mouth shut, i.e. killed by the Blacksoul one and his
provocateurs and agents.
So, you are also playing the most wicked game at the expense of the humanity,
either you are in supposedly democratic regimes or you are monarchs, all of
you have been placed at any authority, by the hands of the Blacksoul one indi-
rectly or directly.
Of course, since as we have told you he is “friendless”, that is he unable of
making friends, he is nowadays rising you up on the central political arena and
even if you serve him faithfully, even if he has to shuffle the cards in order to
confuse the minds of people, he is easily offering you as prey (food) to hired
Some examples are the careers of Mubarak in Egypt, Saddam in Iraq and Gad-
dafi in Libya.
The Blacksoul himself uplifted them pushed them up the political scene some
decades ago, while they served him well but since the fullness of time has
come and he is also friendless (not able of making friends), he killed them in a
shameful way and he deposed them in no time with an accelerated procedure.
Saddam Hussein was sent to the gallows, while Gaddafi experienced the im-
Even the world rulers of nowadays whose career lasts the most eight years
have the headlights over them and a lot of people for their safety, they claim so
many strong words, but then after the 8 years have passed, nobody remembers
them (not even their mother).
So, it is more than clear that all the labels, the lights the noisemakers and the
marching bands are just a lie.
Of course, among the political leaders of your planet, some heroic figures
shone out and who went against the world wide blackness.
Naturally all of them either got sick to death out of a sudden or got killed in a
short notice. So this is an evident proof for all the rest who didn’t get seriously
sick to death, by chance, neither experienced the impalement or were sent to
the gallows, but still remain alive after the lights have gone, that you have wor-
thily served the Blacksoul one.
Only that your task was to serve your country, your homeland instead, to serve
the humanity an yet through skillfully set up elections, you ended up having
served the Blacksoul one and him alone.
You personally know very well the path that you followed to reach the central
political arena, starting back from your student years.
As low as your intelligence may be, you quite understand het the way you use
to exercise the power and any rubbish you present as the law, is just unac-
ceptable. The laws that you implement are oppressing the person instead of
helping them. In a way of speaking they are literally leading them to death. But
yet you keep on in the same way, serving the Blacksoul one and not the per-
And likewise, in the previous letters addressed to the policemen and the judges,
the same applies also to you. You only possess one last chance first for you and
then for the humans to change at first every political act and to start serving the
humanity and not the Blacksoul one during those eschatological years.
This is your last chance to perform something unconceivable, both for you and
for the rest of the humanity. Such an opportunity is never again going to be
presented to you.
Do understand the criticality of the times and don’t you let this opportunity be
wasted. Regardless of your political power or the money you have gathered,
regardless of how big shot and important you may feel, make serious efforts to
unhook yourself form the friendless Blacksoul one and to get connected to the
You are indeed fully conversant with the ways you could offer to human’s tan-
gible goods. As you also similarly know the set up and fake money, the totally
stupid words “taxes, deficits, fiscal policy, balance”, and all these balderdash,
you should cancel it all, a little while before the Noah, together with the judges,
the legislator, the policemen and the armed forces and offer yourself the big-
gest joy ever, while in the same time you are making the biggest gift to the
No matter how hard the Blacskoul one may go after you among the
7,200,000,000 souls currently inhabiting the planet, those who could hurt you
amount to less than the 1% of the above figure.
Get addressed to the 99% of the humanity, get connected with it and fear noth-
ing. The assistant forces already existing on your planet are countless. The as-
sistance your planet is receiving is also unlimited. So, a little while before the
end of the current blackness, go for your own sake and the sake of the humani-
Good luck.