Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


You arrived to the one of the two poles of the energy accumulator (battery) and
in our case this is the man, while the other pole is the woman.
How could the Blacksoul one divide the humanity to a male and female sex if
he hadn’t used the labels he had already used? That is the man is the strong
sex, the master, the polygamous being and what is more we have also reached
the point of listening that in a family exists a “child” and a “girl”. They happen
to be proud of having children but not so proud when having girls. The most
terrible of all is that you don’t hear such opinions only in the Arabic counties,
but also in the place where King Minos has led his life and taught his absolute
Our brothers the Cretans consider the boys as children and the girls as...just
You filthy clown Blacksoul one, you dirt of the Creation, you have set foot
even here. You divided the humanity in man and woman, strong and fair sex,
children and girls.
Addressed to men, consisting the one of the two sexes of the humanity since
the Creation, we are clearly mentioning to you that you have no difference
compared to the female sex.

The same Creator who created the woman, also created you.
You only differ in the genital, men from women and this is just for one reason:
to polarize your energies, the male and the female, to monogamously love your
companion – wife, as she also has to do towards you, so that with these two
energies connected and polarized wrapped by the love and the blessing of the
Creator who participates in this monogamous connection, without a drop of
ejaculation neither from you nor the woman, you shall be connected to the
Godliness – become Christianized.
This is what Jesus Christ showed to you, when blessing the wedding in Cana
and having Magdalene close to him.
The women possess exactly the same sanctity that you also possess. No more,

no less. All the rest that they create through the socalled sacred books concern-
ing any form of superiority for you men against the inferiority of the women,

are emanating from the hands of the Blacksoul one, with just a unique scope:
for you to lose your way.

We have written earlier that when the male genital penetrates the female geni-
tal the symbol of the holy cross is created. Without a drop of ejaculation from

none of the two you fill up the Holy Grain, your church which is your physical
body that your soul is renting in each incarnation. And through this act you are
literally assuring the immortality.
This is why the Blacksoul one since he never loved the humanity, is focusing

on the constant ejaculations and on the fact that the homosexuality is absolute-
ly normal.

What stands for all the women of humanity also stands for you. Get flooded
with virtues. Never differentiate yourself from anything. Don’t you believe in
all those things that the set up authorities, counting on your physical strength
want you to definitely follow. Your homelands, your flags, your religion, your
property, all your desires that thanks to your physical strength it is easier for
you to obtain that it is for women and to resent all your egos, having as a peak
the erotic alchemy that you will monogamously practice intensively with your
wife. If you follow all these through your looks you shall emit only light. You
shall honour the one of the two poles and due to your physical strength it will
be a crowning of all those things that you emit, it will be like you are talking,
without saying a word.
Any kind of practice of violence, fear, terror, any kind of criminal act that has
to do with child molestation, homosexuality, pride and egoism, have to be for
you something totally unknown to you. You have to only emit light by your
physical looks. Both your looks and your appearance have to refer, to remind
of a Buddha, of a Christ. Once your thought is transformed into speech only
angels shall come out of your mouth and nothing else.
We have so clearly mentioned earlier, as clearly as possible, who is torturing
the humanity, who is behind all the set up authorities and who all the set up
authorities are serving.
Of course this entire tyranny is also touching you, men.
Lack of money for shelter, food, etc. Because all of these will soon come to an
end on your planet and the day to come is too close, in case you really follow
these guidelines for as long as this planet still has time left, even for those set
up problems of the planet, the divine plan will show you the way. However, if
you really manage to understand what is written in this entire unsealing of the
knowledge through this script and what is more as far as this letter addressed
especially to you (men), you shouldn’t let any earthly second be spent without
a spiritual work performed.

What is written isn’t of course just spiritual work. They have a form in the mat-
ter and once you achieve to settle yourself and to understand who you are, all

those things that are torturing you as a humanity, will not exist anymore. You
won’t feel insecure neither for your food, nor your shelter, nor your job, or the
raising of your children.
Because the universe, as the whole matter possesses a hyper perfect master –
God, who takes care of the least particle of the matter in the most distant spot
from your planet in a visible or nonvisible form and who you would better be
absolutely sure that he knows about you as well on a collective or individual
level (both as humanity and as a person).

By the moment that you implement all these in practice, that is you get con-
nected to the Divine through these guidelines, is it possible that the hyperper-
fect God leaves you helpless?

Of course he is never going to let you helpless when in your physical body
which – we may repeat once more is your church, and all the mysteries of the
Christianity are performed inside of you (the baptism, the Holy Communion,
the priesthood, the repentance (the confession), the holy unction, the wedding,
the unction), you shall possess all the help that you need each time even in
view of certain unbelievable situations.

Nevertheless, when you men of the humanity are looking inside yourself seek-
ing for ways to satisfy each superiority of yours against the others, personal

interest, sexual distortion, fanatic religion, any kind of jealousy, hatred, envy,
any kind of use of violence and removal of human life, any kind of arrogance,
pride, egoism, then you will indeed be helpless.
Then really since you have been separated from your connection to the Creator,

you remained all alone without any connection from the Creator, so your tor-
turing is endless.

The one bad moment will succeed the other. The one bad luck will succeed the

other. Even with material possessions you will not find peace. You will be anx-
ious even in your sleep and in the best case you shall resort to sleeping pills

provided by the hyperscience /psychiatrists of the Blacksoul one, to be able to
fall asleep. As far as when you will be awake during the day, you won’t find
peace anywhere. You shall be constantly moving in wuthering heights. No
peace, no serenity. You will scream and swear, you will say words that will be
humiliating for the others, lacking any sort of selfcriticism. All those things we
are writing to you also stand for those who have no survival problem at all.

This is why, by closing our reference to you men of the humanity, a last in-
citement to all of you is that after you have comprehended all those things that

are written, you get connected to everything, only in universal love.
We have clearly explained to you what love means. Love without restraints and
selfishness. Love for everyone and everything. Love the women as if they were
your mothers. Get connected monogamously. Love your children because they
are expecting of you to be taught the reason of their existence in this natural
Love the children of the other couples because the children that you consider as
the children of others, in some previous life were your father, mother, brothers

or sisters or even your children, but most of all the entire humanity is the chil-
dren of the one God.

Act accordingly. You are running short of time.