Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


They have asked Jesus about the punishment of the homosexual.
"..next, the transfer it (the soul) to the exterior dark spots until the Judgement
Day, when the big darkness is on trial, so they will be torn apart and destroyed.

The guidelines by the great master Jesus Christ are clear when it comes to any
distortion in such a rude, arrogant, egoistic way regarding the choice of the sex
in which you were incarnated and which is per 100% your own choice.
By the moment you submitted a reincarnation plan to the karmic board, the
psychic individual carrier has decided whether it shall come down as a man or
as a woman, since it knows very well which lessons have to be corrected taking

into account that you haven’t been released from the chains of the reincarna-
tion (circular life).

And while the soul wants to have lessons to be evolved as a man or as a wom-
an and you are incarnated as a man or as a woman to get evolved, then once

you have already received your incarnation through the homosexuality, you do
something unbelievable. Instead as a man to evolve your soul functioning as a

man and have a female companion, you forget everything and using some stu-
pid excuses, you start to fancy men, to sleep with men and not with women.

Exactly the same thing stands for the case of the women homosexuals.

You understand that through these unbelievable circumstances you distort eve-
rything and everyone. You turn your back to the universal causality and in fact

you reach to a point – always with the consent of the Blacskoul one – to be
proud and to disseminate to the others your homosexuality.

Of course the Blacksoul one is doing this because he wants to suck your ener-
gy. As a matter of fact he has demeaned the concept of the man, the woman,

the family. That is why he is called devil, satan, Blacksoul one.
But you cannot imagine what a disaster this brings to your soul. You throw
back in the face of the creation what it has so generously offered to you: an
entire incarnation so that you evolve.

This is exactly what happens with the paedophiles and with those having sexu-
al distortions. All of these start and end with your biggest enemy which until

now you didn’t know but now you do and it is the inferior egoist, arrogant, de-
ceiver mind of yours (Dias).

The same stands for all of you. Don’t get encouraged by the times. The
Blacksoul one during these eschatological times allows to the homosexuals all
over the world to make parades in public spaces, to appear in the mass media
of mental apathy and to declare how proud they feel to be gay and to having
reached the absolute humiliation of any distorion, to even adopt children.
Like, if it wasn’t enough that they bring disharmony to their rented body, they

should hide from all these debaucheries but instead they do the opposite (limit-
less exposure), all these devil minds, flooded with the darkness and we reached

a point during these eschatological years when these unbelievable guys raise a
soul in a childish human body.
That is the child sees that his parents are two fathers, the one father being the
mother, or the case of two mothers, with the one being the father or it may also
happen that the two mothers are both fathers.
You Blacksoul one, you know that you have reached the end and you are trying
not to let anything intact from the universal causality, so you have trapped total
idiots who may wear the cloak of the stupid (scientist, intellectual, politician,
hierarch, businessman, ect), promoting all those through the mass media of
mental apathy controlled by you; this including also other ways are the ones
you use to suck the energy of this planet.
You know that your planet has been forbidden for any kind of authority. And
this letter is of course addressed to those persons you have already trapped.
Addressed to all of you being homosexuals, pederasts, or even persons with
sexual distortions (bestiality, etc.) anyone of you can invoke any excuse. We,
from our side, can tell you just one thing. You should completely change your

behaviour, honour the sex you had during birth (manwoman) and try every sin-
gly earthly second to work towards the deliverance of your soul.

There are no ‘your body’, ‘your desires’, ‘I like it this way’. All these are fairy
tales and you should forget about them. Your incarnation on earth even if you
reach an old age taking into consideration the average of your planet (7080
years old) has a very short duration. Take advantage of it, so as to save your

In this specific letter we will have to mention again what is already written in
previous parts of the book, concerning your human body.

The knowledge that has been transferred to you form the global trapping train-
ing system of the planet, is tragically insufficient even as far as this part is con-
cerned, which of course is the most crucial one. That is to be able to have a

physical body and to participate through it to the natural life of your planet.
Through the global stupefaction that has been imposed on you, you claim to
yourself, you believe it and then you also spread the word to your environment,

and if given the chance also to the mass media of mental apathy, that supposed-
ly your physical body is yours and you can do whatever you want with it.

Do you really realise what you say?
Have you understood in what kind of slandering has your mind got into, so to
reach a point of believing and disseminating such a thing?
When did you produce this body so as to own it? Before you were born? Or is
it going to follow you after your physical death as well? Or after your birth, did
you at least make any effort to create it?
Do you have any idea where exactly is and what is happening with the water
you drink and the food you eat, while being in your physical body?

While the systems of your organism are functioning (cardiac, respiratory, di-
gestive, nervous, urinary, excretory, skeletal, muscular, lymphatic, reproduc-
tive, hormonal), do you happen to do anything over all these as you say all

around that the body is yours and you can do whatever you like of it?
You know the answer of course. All the excuses you invent are at least funny.
And now let’s get into deeper concepts. As less as you may know, you have

definitely heard the expression – once or twice in your life – ‘my soul has be-
come heavy’ or the opposite ‘my soul is lighter’.

This happens because as far as your physical body is concerned, you have done

nothing to create it, you are just renting it during the earthly years of your in-
carnation, with the scope to set your soul free (my soul has become lighter) or
to lock it up in frivolities and by mocking your own self and the others as well
(immoral thoughts – words – acts) (my soul has become heavy).

This happens for just one reason. Your soul that you always carry has no be-
ginning and no end; it is your real self and not the fake, temporary and deceiv-
er, rented for one incarnation human body of yours. On the other hand, the

rented body is the TEMPLE of your soul.

This is the temple, the church
Unfortunately for all the misguided persons on the planet, you also included,

the ones who should have informed you about these, that is the responsible re-
ligions, priests, have convinced you that the church or the holy places are

where they are indicating you and naturally not your rented physical body,
whose disintegration on earth is just a matter of time.
In case they had informed you about the limitless value of your church, being
your natural body, you would have been much more attentive in many aspects
of your life, and you wouldn’t stand in front and disseminate full of pride what
a dirty church you have (human body).
The registered partnerships between homosexuals, the parades in public spaces,
the public figures talking in public in favour of the homosexuals and approving

their acts, constitute some of the endless baits that as we have already men-
tioned earlier the Blacksoul one is using to entrap the human souls and to be

more specific to entrap your MIND. Unfortunately, though, the results are dev-
astating for all of you and leading you to the second and final death, as Jesus

Christ has also claimed.

Even now you should make efforts to perform something for your real self,
being your soul and your spirit. Don’t continue living in a fake world, with the
wrapping of the gravediggers of the global evolution, encouraging you towards
all these.
The days experienced by your planet have never existed before in the past. The
opportunity presented is more than unique. Work for the deliverance of your
soul, deleting any kind of satanic – egoistic element, with any sort of covering,
to ‘sweeten the pill’.
We are wholeheartedly wishing you...Good luck...