We are going to complete the knowledge that you now hold in your hands
1) With the briefing of all those things already provided to you as well as with
all the keys that have been delivered to you and of course in case you wish on
your own will to follow this Divine knowledge and you manage to set yourself
free, it is then your sacred responsibility to disseminate this wisdom and this
knowledge to other fellow humans as well.
In the case you manage to make this knowledge your own, after having read
and understood what is written, but yet you don’t care to disseminate it to your
fellow humans, then you instantly create a karma.
This entire knowledge is destined for the entire humanity. Each one of you
who receives it and also understands it, is instantly named after ‘Apostle’.
Next, through any occupation or work of yours it is literally your mission to
transfer this knowledge to the others as well. In case you don’t, but instead you
maintain it for yourself, either willingly or due to ignorance, you have created a
2) In the second part of this chapter and as a continuation of the knowledge
provided to you through all these revelations, what we have already mentioned
to you in many occasions shall take place: not too late from nowadays the con-
tinents will change places and where the land is now, after the event of the cat-
aclysm of Noah, the oceans will be located.
As far as the selfawareness is concerned, as all that is provided to you is literal-
ly the deepest awareness of your deeper existence, they are interpreted as a
passepartout (a master key) that can be used to open all the locks.
All of you, and by all we mean those who have followed the spiritual path, are
trying to unlock with the spiritual keys of the individual knowledge you have
been involved in.
So, some among you are making efforts to understand the material creation, the
planets, the suns, the galaxies; you are called occultists, some others are trying
to connect directly with God and you are called mystics, while others are trying
to help the humanity as far as political authority issues are concerned – at least
as long as they are allowed to do so – and at last others are making efforts to
cure your fellow humans.
All of the above constitute individual keys for either the one or the other direc-
Nevertheless, all those things acquired through the revelations, are named after
passe – partout; this means that using the knowledge already made known to
you, you possess all the keys for any lock (the ones permitted to the humanity).
The knowledge passepartout you hold in your hands gives you access to any
lock you wish to unlock. You can unlock all of them until the last one, being
your reconnection with God.
All this information belongs to the real selfawareness or else the ability to
know everything that has to do with your real self but also with your rented
material body.
Of course in the frame of this selfawareness already mentioned and perceived
by you, there also exist those monstrous disgraces performed on your planet by
the Blacksoul one along with all the global authorities he is controlling using
his lies.
So, this self – awareness has been expanded to all the inner but also the outer
parts that have to do with your existence.
As a matter of fact, we are telling you that at this moment that you read these
lines, you are also feeling them. That is you experience them in the natural
world, you actually perceive them. As far as the Creator is concerned these
have already taken place. Your planet, regardless of the resistance of this car-
petbagger Blacksoul one and of his filthy authorities, has been cleaned and the
humanity has been restored to the golden era.
This is offering to you the possibility not to miss the opportunity to conquer
your selfawareness which has been submitted, because never before anything
similar has ever taken place on your wonderful planet. The choices are yours.