Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


We are encouraging you during these ultimate moments to open your physical
eyes but mostly the eyes of your soul. The time has come that planet earth is
overwhelmed with plenty of ‘light’ and this has as a consequence that situa-
tions and circumstances like never before are demonstrated on earth.

Don’t take advices by anyone about your precious life, only by those spiritual
creatures that came down to only teach you truths. It is your only ‘dowry’ from
your trip in the world of the forms. Don’t get fooled by anyone. Neither from
warlords and ‘Rambo’ nor from so called teachers of 100 degrees "Dan", and
prime ministers, emperors, world rulers. They are all cogs of the system of the
Blacksoul one whose ultimate and only goal is to entrap you.

Understand the meaning of the teaching of these great masters as well as the
real interpretation of their words, without translators, mediators and intermedi-

You must only count on yourself and trust your real existence. Take the
knowledge in your hands. Don’t you let any ‘do gooder’ guide you where he
intends to. The TIME left is limited. The days and the hours are historical.
Use your energy to develop your creative thinking and the nonegoism, the
nonviolence, the nonenvy, the nonjealousy, the non conspiracy and thus get
connected to the Creator once again.
Take advantage of the knowledge you have received to avoid selfconstructing
yourself. Because, until now, it was somebody else that was destructing you.
But now that you possess the knowledge it is your choice alone that shall lead
you either to the FREEDOM (ELEYTHERIA in Greek) (EL –ETHER) or to
the selfdestruction.