Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


The employers on this planet, as things are settled by the Blacksoul one have
the role of offering to you a job either by the official state (communism) or by
the individual employers (capitalism).

As we have already mentioned, the Blacksoul one took care that the com-
munism is interconnected to the atheism.

We have also mentioned that Jesus Christ was the greatest communist, but of
course he was no atheist.
The Blacskoul one has once more stuck his nose, so that it is correlated to the

We have extensively described how the power shall be exercised on the hu-
manity, after the cataclysm.

At this part of the letter, addressed to the employers, we make a reference to
the system of the employers of the free market or else of the free cannibalism.
The system has imposed to you the request of irrational things, such as taxes
and unlimited fees.
Of course, all of you, not being able to act else, are following everything in the
degree that your strength allows you to.

What is more, the free cannibalism gives the possibility to the strong employer
to swallow the weak employer.

So, in the frame of the absurdity of the free cannibalism, you also have to re-
spond to the hordes of the Blacksoul one.

Most of you employers, are offering a job to more than one employee or to at
least one. That is through the fake fair of the monopoly with the Blacksoul’s
money, you are allowing to the employee, through his salary, to assure based
on the law of “buy and sell” (cannibalism) , food and shelter for him and his
The extension of the offer of the employees to you employers, the way you are

considering it, is a relation of work or slavery offer from the employees to-
wards you; and this of course aiming at you achieving your goal in the world of

the free cannibalism, the maintenance of your company.

This relationship though is not monetary. It is the Blacksoul one who has trans-
formed it dependent on money because this way he has managed to trap the

mind of you employers also. In addition, in order to be able to respond to the
unconceivable conditions you are requested to, you are trying to reduce the
costs in any aspect, event to financially “exterminate” the other employers –
opponents, to maintain your company intact.
In the frame of this dizziness of yours, and in order to be able to respond of
course to the unbelievable system of the Blacksoul one, the system of the free
cannibalism, you forget something extremely important: the persons providing
their work to you are persons with a spirit, a soul, a heart and a mind, exactly
like you are. And you must never forget this at the moment that you are about
to treat them ugly, swear them even leave them unpaid. You must do this for
your own sake and for your “ego”.
Nevertheless, the universe, as long as the system of the free cannibalism still

exists, offers to you an incredible opportunity. The option to treat your em-
ployees only as fellow humans and nothing else. For anything that you forget

from your side or you just ignore, as far as your behavior towards your em-
ployees is concerned, the karmic law that is activated at your expense is ex-
tremely serious.

At this point we really ask for your attention. You employers of planet earth,
until the authority system is eliminated from your planet, the latter shall be in-
habited by humans overwhelmed with love and equality for each other and
nothing else.
You have definitely activated your inferior mind in a much larger degree than
that of the employees and this is the reason why you have gone beyond. Thus,
having spread your wings with a business, you are making efforts to hold on
into the system of the free cannibalism.
But as we have clearly mentioned earlier it is the inferior mind that is to blame
for your entrapment. The inferior Dias is the one dividing you to employers
and employees. To traders, big traders and industrialists and workers or slaves.
This is the big chance for you. Since you have already activated your inferior
mind by establishing companies, industries, etc, you should simultaneously

also activate your superior mind, so that you manage to perceive your employ-
ees your father – your mother – your children and to cut the long story short, as

your fellow humans.

What is for sure is that to be able to survive in the system of the free cannibal-
ism, you need to be ruthless, bloodthirsty, rapacious and hard but also to im-
plement these politics wherever possible. But then you should never forget that

you have been incarnated to evolve and that the duration of your natural life is
So, as long as these specific authority systems exist on your planet, you should
since now try to harmonize your behavior with your employees’; this way you
will offer the opportunity to your individual evolution to have succeeded the
“course” of the “compassion” with a brilliant grade.
The more you eliminate yourself from the employees trying to belittle them,
the more your karma will be burdened. The more you consider your employees
as parts alike you being as a unity and all together belonging to the unity of
God, the more your karmic benefits will be unlimited.

Since through the activation of your inferior mind, the business you have pro-
vided the credentials, that is you belong to the smart persons, don’t waste this

chance; activate your wit and cleverness so that your superior mind takes the

leads and then you would better be sure that as far as the aspect of the relation-
ships between employee and employers is concerned, you are harmonized with
the universal causality, where all the forms belong to the unity, no form is nei-
ther superior nor inferior and the task of each form is to return to the unity –
genitor – creator – God.